
Showing posts from 2018


How the world is changing speedily? Can we take the taste of every problem? Is simplest solution available? How can we buy the control system of our mind? How to live life happily? All above mentioned questions must have been come to your mind. Life has many ways to live such as in bad view, in good view or in emotionless view, etc. But to overcome on these problems what should we have to do something. There is a big difference in positive thinking and reality. We can differentiate them on the basis of two things. One is brain whose name is not so reputed in the border of our anxiety. Anxiety means stress which may be or may not be suffering to a person. Another is mind whose work is that to modify all the thoughts coming from brain there is a filter present between brain & mind. That’s got we found the key. This filter is also known as the behavior of one’s personality. To change our behavior we have to wash that filter paper from the subconscious mind. Quotes will always show

Italic Life !

Today’s world is so very fast that one can’t give a little bit of time to itself. All problems are just part of life. Only, you have to understand it thoroughly. In every edge of life, balance the things. Most of the people get distracted from various things. If I raise a question that how can you define yourself? Your answers will be like a body which has the tendency to think. Ok, but a dog also has a capability to think that whether to cross the road. So, how? Friends, you are the only modifier, guider of yourself. The one thing you have to remember here that GOD has given you this precious life. To take the taste of success you have to take some efforts or toil for bringing that in front of you. Future will be brought but it is not possible to fetch the past conditions. Instead of being unhappy or losing the hopes you will become a foolish man. You won’t notice any step towards goal. What you have to do? You are required to learn from failure and make the success path more inte