How the world is changing speedily? Can we take the taste of every problem? Is simplest solution available? How can we buy the control system of our mind? How to live life happily? All above mentioned questions must have been come to your mind. Life has many ways to live such as in bad view, in good view or in emotionless view, etc. But to overcome on these problems what should we have to do something. There is a big difference in positive thinking and reality. We can differentiate them on the basis of two things. One is brain whose name is not so reputed in the border of our anxiety. Anxiety means stress which may be or may not be suffering to a person. Another is mind whose work is that to modify all the thoughts coming from brain there is a filter present between brain & mind. That’s got we found the key. This filter is also known as the behavior of one’s personality. To change our behavior we have to wash that filter paper from the subconscious mind. Quotes will always show you a proper direction. It is your duty to walk on that path. Same thing is observed in the regular life between teachers and students. We can’t imagine the world by the teacher. Every word of teacher will help you to approach at the top of the mountain.
If you are feeling boring this is because of stress and strain. At that instant the filter is too tired to find obstacles in the thought; but there is a solution on it i.e. providing energy to that filter that means we should destroy the original root of that anxiety. Think ‘what will I get from behaving like this’ our mind will shut down quickly because of it has no proof to give the answer. Hence, feel a fit and healthy person. Be always tension free. God has given you a precious life. Why god has given us a beautiful life? Had you ever ask this question to yourself?
The smog of future is seems to be very difficult. All ‘sants’, social reformers created their own life so beautiful that every person wants similar life as of their. It is the duty of one’s mind to become as one’s we wish. But; however did you notice yourself? Dear all things on this earth even ant or it may be a giant elephant are born with some unique feature. Only one thing you have to do is that to stand up with your own self boosting confidence at every instant of journey. You can achieve your definite goal by working smart and hard in proper direction. Enjoy your life with maintaining the things at their appropriate position in basket of life.
Every moment of life is crucial event driven program for us. The thing  you have to remember is that you are not committing any crime for any bad thing; if you are something learning from it. Friends make system better not surrounding. All happens between the time period of birth and death. What to do is in our hand; enjoy the life of ‘satisfaction’ not of ‘pleasure’. Life is amazing to create a new asteroid in property of career. The realistic thing is that we the people are strong pioneers of our nation. Do such remarkable history so that you will be honored by everyone. If you have dream, faith, desire, dedication, courage, perspiration, energy to do, belief, then no one can has power to stop you. Go ahead, the world is waiting for you. And it doesn’t matter that you realized late such that the time has gone. It’s  the foolish idea; when you got realized then at that instant you should wake up with fresh mind; but also it should be maintained by you.


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