One step ahead !

            The conclusion from this is that all complex problems have something hint hidden behind our surrounding. Be aware of your connection to the universe. Live with the awareness that everything you are and everything you do directly or indirectly affects everything and everyone around you. Small or big, what you choose to do can alter the course or destiny of living or non-living things that come your way. As you realize this, you will take more responsibility for your actions and influence, and will never take spiritual things lightly. Make friendship with that incident which tries to make you understandable person. Do you know about emotion? What is the depth meaning of that? If your answer states that feelings of mind are expressed by emotion which is one of its views. Then it is quite great; but do you think it’s the only idea behind that. It actually means that energy in motion called emotion. Success is not at all among the permanent things. It is the sign of right path/track. It is certain that its fluctuation is present in everyone’s life. Yes, but it is nature’s duty to maintain balance and not to disappoint their lives. Nature wishes to bless its young ones.
            Eating healthy and staying active is a great way to stay connected to yourself and your higher power, whether that’s God,the Universe, or simply your own internal guidance system. When we allow our internal systems (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) to become clogged and bogged down by lethargy and unnatural substances, we block the opportunity for spiritual growth and eventual awakening. We should spread our stored specialty in the community and mix ourself throughout the society. Make sure we learn to understand others opinions and views also. Keep your body clean and clear by feeding it well and moving it often, and prepare to receive the messages you seek.
            Use the four parts of the breath to bring you into the present. Inhale and bring everything in, then at the top of the breath with full lungs, consciously accept that it’s there. Then, as you exhale, let it all go until your lungs are completely empty of air. Before your next inhale, take a second to enjoy that everything is okay and you’re still you, regardless of what’s happening. The breath is very powerful in helping us think about what we’re taking in and what we’ll let go of. Actually this meditation serves a great purpose as it enhance the confidence, personality and so on. It drops out the anxiety. Traveling of life goes on; it has many sub-routes along the journey! People going throughout this way search for themselves rather than others behaviors. Keeping faith or not is the question of corresponding minds of people. But, it is certain that faith on God limits yourself from doing wrong try! Keep look on try word I have used; because anybody has a chance to pick up wrong impulse and it’s the nature way to permit us! Be honest and go ahead, you have your efforts and they will transform into the real achievement.
            Reputation of yourself and your surrounding gives you a joy which has hidden truth of hard journey with having blessings of nature. Do not depend on learning differences rather than notice them; and henceforth you’ll get them. You should be aware to take a look at very small things which has more important in your particular field than other ones. Obey elders and parents! Don’t neglect their hope towards you which is present since you have born. Keep them prideful and respect them from bottom of heart! Always find next opportunity for you to accept new challenges; whether you may have achieved temporary failure or temporary success! Go on!
            Thanking you !


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