
Showing posts from May, 2019

Rhymes of the world

            What actually our brain interprets from the learning? Is there any electrical signal plays a role of channel between the things and brain? However what if we calmly get that thing into our mind. Do you know our brain has one specialty i.e. it always tries to understand the basics first and then make it applicative. Even though there are some concepts which are as it is made by nature and thus we have to accept it unchallenged. Also, it may be the situation for things in which we are not ready as we should to that concept and hence we have to wait until right time comes. Though practicing will support you but knowing the idea behind it will definitely win you.             Joy and happiness differ from each other in the mode of source. Though they are meant for same; yet they set the level. Joy comes from inner heart with the full boosting satisfaction and confidence. Remember that it may or may not requires the external factors or surrounding. Whereas happiness is th