Rhymes of the world

            What actually our brain interprets from the learning? Is there any electrical signal plays a role of channel between the things and brain? However what if we calmly get that thing into our mind. Do you know our brain has one specialty i.e. it always tries to understand the basics first and then make it applicative. Even though there are some concepts which are as it is made by nature and thus we have to accept it unchallenged. Also, it may be the situation for things in which we are not ready as we should to that concept and hence we have to wait until right time comes. Though practicing will support you but knowing the idea behind it will definitely win you.
            Joy and happiness differ from each other in the mode of source. Though they are meant for same; yet they set the level. Joy comes from inner heart with the full boosting satisfaction and confidence. Remember that it may or may not requires the external factors or surrounding. Whereas happiness is the one which is output towards something good situation happening. Small small experiences build your life progressively.
            Understanding the body at the intellect level is more important, nevertheless people assume to work for mind which should be done for the body actually and the vice-versa. Do you know that your own body is the first laboratory for you to experiment and conclude from it?  Understanding something makes you confident about the thought. It is really a necessary part of your career or goal path to take an action; because without of it we can’t proceed even an inch forward. Life is all about the fact that how do you tackle your obstacles not of others. You will be amazed to hear that there is presence of some superpower above us which gains its energy while we are sleeping through travelling the galaxies, stars, planets, etc. and it is responsible to help us at every problem.
            The thing should matter for particular situation to you is answering the questions how, why and how much, etc. To become successful in Life, it is not necessary to do huge mountain of hard work, rather than putting all possible efforts will be beneficial towards it. No matter how much you fell while going through the journey of climbing the mountain; but it instantly matters how quick do you leave the hope for it provided that (you have strong affinity and inspiration from ‘subconscious mind’). It is just like that the requirement predicts our current situation in life. It proves the eligibility to be a person.
            Always carry hope in your success travelling bag. Live happily, observe yourself, analyze it thoroughly. Remember, it is not the nature which decides the flowering of plants; but it is the evolution of plants. All people do not live their life very especially such as following the rules or else; but rather they live as normal as possible and provide themselves with proper requirement of things to body and mind.


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