
Hello friends, today I am posting on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. I’m thinking that a person’s life should be like Prism that means before the invention of prism, white light is considered as colourless. But; when the prism is invented then, white light showed his characteristics i.e. it can be diffracted in various colours. Friends, same here in the one’s life. I think you didn’t get the meaning. Let me explain!
See, in the life what happens there? ‘A person said to be a billionaire who lives unstable’ that means his mind doesn’t take stop even though he got a success at once. At first, can you define what success is? Some people called it that if someone gained the bungalow, property, money, richness, etc. They assume that circle is success. But, acc. to me let me give you an example. Take if someone placed 10 private jets on my one hand and on either side the feelings in which I am very interested from my heart whatever it may be then, from the above two option placed by you and told me that choose anyone from that then I will definitely select the second option which contains my happiness. I will call it success.
OK, now we will talk about on a quote that ‘a golden opportunity came to the man is should be very well performed’. Friends, in life the future is waiting for us; but some people picks up a bad journey and that causes them to miss out their opportunities. So, don’t waste your time on thinking that. If someone is not getting success in leaving bad habits, OK no doubt in that do not lose your hope. I’ll give you an example; suppose, there is a river flowing in a specific direction with all things like wooden block, etc. and if you have to bring that block on either platform. Then, you will require some extra efforts more than regular one because, the flow of river is opposing you, right! There is also exact network in human’s life that means the bad habits are the flow which are forcing you to do it but remember that you have to neglect, you will require some more extra work on that time you will be the victim of some pain. From the above, we conclude that we can be able to remove that bad habit. And, you are well aware of staircase, dear friends, some things need more time to solve but it is possible to practise and toil very much on that.
As I said, at first you have to approach at the first stage then, you will automatically find the way of 2nd stage. So, don’t be upset and be ready, strong and fit for present and upcoming bright future. Life is very amazing friends. It is very interesting if we take a look on one side we’ll get the fact that ‘The life can be molded as we like. Hence, your life is a remarkable history in God’s diary then, handle it carefully. Keep strong belief in yourself. Always respect your elders sometime you can be upset from them but remember that they are very genius in case of experience. Therefore, obey their orders and think that you have somebody to guide. Journey of life is long it is your duty to make it very remarkable. Friends, at least at once think quietly that this life is made for you. Going in wrong direction you will not gain anything. I think, according to me this article was very helpful. If you got any doubt or difficulties please mention in the comment box. My purpose is only that to demonstrate the people in good paths.

Thank you!


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