Depth of thinking

The understanding something old will definitely be helpful but provided that the way we choose further should be in proper manner. The statement briefly explains about solving a problem in our real life; as I've mentioned real life that means there exists a virtual type of life, isn't it? Virtual life simply means the processing of our actions despite of knowing the purpose behind that on the basis of past experiences or; rather say the dreams which are useless in the future path are tried by us, which should not ! Look some things in this world seem to be beautiful, enjoying and intriguing to one's; but it may have no benefit or it is worthless. Hence, it is your duty and responsibility to distinguish the fine line between such scenarios happening in the life. Also, the virtual life has some characteristics if they may have been observed carefully by you ! i.e. it tries to force the person to behave in its corresponding way. In this very short time of period which has immense importance, people actually forgets about the reality and that is where all problems get stuck !

Virtual life can include dream but vice-versa remains inapplicable. Virtual life has a large circle of superior characteristics. Basically virtual life encompasses thinking, habit, dream, motivation, anxiety and many more stuffs. Reality is that skyline where virtuality wants to be. Even though the life serves the purpose of both. Because real and virtual both types of life are intersected with each other; their dependency is helpful, necessary and productive to have us emotions and continue the life! In a simple view, to reach towards real life we must have to cross sea of virtuality and that's all we are doing throughout the journey; from the boat filled of good and bad,win and loss, acceptance and ignorance and so on.

Reality is the book in which each chapter is designed by the virtualism. Guys, everyone has their own journey to move on. While travelling through it, limitations play their role and hence we have to accept those first followed by analyzing it! You may have noticed that success and failure have no meanings unless and until you have joy for the success and will for overcoming failure. Is it really true for a long time? Do we feel only success is the best and failure not? Okay, you all may have your own opinions regarding these Que. But, guys 'failure implies success' is the universal truth. Failure actually designs the joy of success. Because, they are relative in their concerned meanings. Achieving success is the temporary phenomenon which convey us that we have done better. As best is to be obtained! Hence, don't compare success and failure. Instead of it, store the experiences they taught you.

We all have been observing the people' strategy of dealing the situation/problems. Imagine there has been quarrel between two persons. What happens actually? Do both personality express truly? What if both are going to be right? Will the final result of this wrangle satisfy both of their minds? To answer these, let's go through action flow. Arguing is not meant as quarrel; instead trying to place our thoughtful opinions as well as considering them as strong pillars for the thinking process. Despite of deciding right or wrong; the flow should be understood. Each participant tries to prove his/her side of argument. No one gets calmly understand; but yes it's thoroughly dependent on mood, emotion, condition, etc. What if we place ourselves on the position of another, then we can get the chances to get rid of it (Of course, Not certainly). Thus, getting feelings of each other will minimize the issue in a better way.

Encouraging quote by great authors to explain realistic life (Just expressing their advice depending upon their experiences) is following. You may create your own world. They are just conveying us to become an approachable person.

Being outdoors and in nature is one of the best ways to help you see the bigger picture. If you take time to stare at the vastness of the ocean or up at the sky, it’ll take you out of that small mindset and away from the shit that’s irrelevant.


  1. Really we don't compare failure & success , we should only take joy of both.


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